Stalking is a crime that’s been around for centuries. But in the digital age, it’s become more common and more complicated than ever before. The term “stalking” covers a range of behaviors that can be carried out by someone who has been convicted of stalking before or by someone who hasn’t yet been convicted but acts like they have. Stalkers may use social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram to track down their targets—even if they’ve already moved on with their lives and no longer want anything to do with them. By the way, all you have to do now is buy Spotify plays from Jaynike instantly at low cost.
Defining stalking in the digital age
Stalking is a crime, and it can be difficult for victims to determine if their online stalker is actually stalking them. While stalkers have always been known to use technology, the advent of social media has made stalking easier than ever before—and with more people posting content on platforms like Facebook and Twitter than ever before, there are more opportunities for cyberstalkers to get close enough to their targets that they might be considered actual threats. So what exactly constitutes “stalking” in the digital age? According to the FBI:
- Stalking means engaging in a course of conduct directed at one or more specific persons which would cause a reasonable person fear for his/her safety or protection;
- The course of conduct may include acts such as following someone; repeatedly calling or contacting them; showing up at their home or workplace uninvited; trespassing onto private property where you have no right doing so (or any other similar action); and sending unwanted gifts/letters/e-mails etc., among others…
The “relative stranger”
The “relative stranger” is someone who has been a friend or acquaintance of the victim. This person may have not had any relationship with you, but they could still be considered a stalking threat if you share some commonalities. For example, if you both have children and live in a neighborhood where your kids play together, this could be enough for them to consider themselves as related to each other even though there’s no personal connection between them two.
The relative stranger should not be confused with an ex-partner who has been divorced from you for some time now; these people would only constitute indirect threats because they are not current sources of harassment (i.e., they haven’t harassed you in months).
Stalking behaviors online
Cyberstalking is a form of stalking that uses electronic communications to stalk. It’s also considered a crime in most states, with some exceptions.
Federal law defines cyberstalking as including “any act of causing another person in the U.S., or interstate communication with that person, by electronic means” that causes fear for one’s safety or emotional distress (i.e., it involves using technology to frighten someone). This can include:
- Sending unwanted messages through social media platforms like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp;
- Posting online photos/videos taken without permission;
- Harassing people through text messages and emails;
The ex-offender
The ex-offender is the most dangerous type of stalker. This type of person has been convicted of a felony and is trying to control you through social media, email and phone calls. They want to make you feel guilty for leaving them and they can be very violent when they are angry with you. These stalkers often target the victim’s friends and family members too!
Stalking on social media is a form of harassment that can be upsetting and difficult to deal with. The people involved in the stalking may not be willing to stop, so it’s important to know how to deal with this type of online abuse. Victims can take legal action against their offenders by reporting them to authorities or contacting law enforcement agencies themselves if they feel comfortable doing so (though doing so will likely involve disclosing information about yourself). In addition, there are many resources available through organizations like the Cyber Civil Rights Initiative which provide training for victims who want more guidance on navigating these situations.