In the wake of multiple sexual assault allegations and the release of a 2005 tape in which he bragged about assaulting women, discord among Republicans has reached new levels as some members of the party attempt to distance themselves from presidential nominee Donald Trump. While some have gone so far as to rescind their endorsements or call for Trump to step down, others have remained steadfast in their support of the controversial candidate. This divide has left the Republican party reeling just weeks before Election Day. discord protrump donaldpeters
In the wake of President Donald Trump’s election, many Americans find themselves deeply divided. Political discord is nothing new, but the 2016 election seems to have exacerbated the problem. For some, Trump is a disgrace to the office of the presidency. For others, he is a much-needed change from the status quo. Whatever your opinion of Trump, it’s important to remember that he is our president and we should all work together to make America great. discord protrump donaldpeters
In the wake of Donald Trump’s election, many Americans are left feeling discordant. For some, this discord is with the president-elect himself. Others find discord with the way the election was handled by both major political parties. And still others feel disconnected from the rest of their country because of differing opinions on Trump. No matter the source, this discord is likely to continue throughout Trump’s presidency.